Regular assessments of moles and skin spots are essential for the early detection of skin cancer, including potentially deadly melanomas. If caught in their early stages, skin cancers can be successfully treated before they spread into other parts of the body or surrounding tissue. That’s why skin cancer checks are so important!

We are often asked about the difference between a skin check and full body photography. Let’s explore.
What is a skin check?
The doctor may take individual photos or biopsies of suspicious moles, and they will discuss your skin cancer management plan with you – including your follow-up schedule or skin cancer prevention strategies. Read more about skin checks.
Watch a video explaining the step-by-step skin check process.
What is full body photography?

This technology is used to assist with the earliest detection of the smallest lesions on your body over time. The system speeds up the process of comparing and evaluating lesions by automatically comparing all follow-up photos with the corresponding baseline images to identify new and changing moles. These moles are quickly marked for follow-up evaluation by the doctor.
Full body photography is performed in addition to a head-to-toe skin check by the doctor.
Full-body imaging accurately tracks changes over time as the images allow easy side-by-side comparison at follow-up appointments.
With sophisticated software and superior expertise working together for exceptional accuracy, full body photography reveals the subtlest skin changes and helps detect skin cancer at its earliest stage when it is most manageable and requires least invasive treatment.
How do you know if you should book a skin check, full body photography, or both?
All patients should get a comprehensive full-body skin cancer check with the doctor every 12 months (or more frequently if you are at high risk of skin cancer). Full body photography is an additional service provided to patients whose doctor has recommended it because you are at high risk.
If you are unsure whether full body photography is right for you, please discuss it with your doctor during your skin check.
Want to learn more about skin exams and full body skin imaging?
If you are still uncertain as to whether you require a skin check and/or full body photography, or if you have any questions regarding skin cancer screenings, please call us and we will be glad to assist you.
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