melanoma prevention

Home/Tag: melanoma prevention

Townsville says YES to zero deaths from melanoma

What a month! Townsville, we want to thank you for your support of Melanoma March. This is a hugely important national campaign organised by Melanoma Institute Australia, with the goal of achieving zero deaths from melanoma.  While it might seem like a pie-in-the-sky goal, leading Australian doctors believe it can be achieved this decade! How? [...]

Three easy ways you can make a difference this Melanoma March

March is the national month for melanoma awareness. One person is diagnosed with melanoma every 30 minutes in Australia. Living in North Queensland, we have some of the highest rates of melanoma occurrence in the world. It is incredibly important to spread awareness about this deadly disease. Male, female, fair- or dark-skinned, melanoma does not [...]

Simple tip proven to reduce melanoma by a massive 50%!

We all know that when we pop down for a swim at the Strand, or have a walk up Castle Hill, sunscreen is essential. Townsville’s UV rate is among the highest in the world, so taking a proactive response is essential. 95% of skin cancer cases are caused by incidental sun exposure. While most people [...]

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