
Home/Helena Rosengren

About Helena Rosengren

Skin Repair's chief doctor Helena Rosengren is also a senior lecturer at James Cook University, has published several papers in medical journals and runs skin cancer workshops for GPs all over Australia! Dr Rosengren is also a fellow of the Australasian College of Skin Cancer Medicine, and undertakes complex surgery with meticulous attention to cosmetic results.

4 Surprising Benefits of Sunscreen (and one obvious one!)

Sunscreen is undoubtedly one of the most effective ways to protect your skin from sun damage. In North Queensland, it’s recommended that we all apply sunscreen with SPF30 or higher as part of our morning routine and reapply every 2 hours or after swimming or sweating heavily. That might seem like a lot of sunscreen, [...]

New Australian Guidelines for Skin Cancer

Non-melanoma skin cancer (also now know as keratinocyte cancer) causes 560 deaths in Australia each year. Responsible for approximately 939,000 treatments per annum, Kerotinocyte Cancer cost Australian tax-payers approximately $703 million in diagnosis, treatment and pathology services in 2015 alone. Invited by the Cancer Council of Australia to be on the working party that would [...]

How to reduce the appearance of surgical scars

When people undergo surgical removal of skin cancer, they’re often concerned about the scarring that may be left behind. While common sense tells us that it’s certainly much better to have a scar than a malignant spot, we also understand that unsightly scarring can have a real and significant impact on a person’s self-confidence. The [...]

Remove benign moles without needing stitches

Did you know that there’s now an effective way to remove innocent moles, skin tags and unwanted raised blemishes without the need for sutures and with little-to-no scarring? If you have raised spots that undermine your self-confidence or catch on your clothing, you might like to consider removing them using Radiofrequency ablation. What is Radiofrequency [...]

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