
Home/Helena Rosengren

About Helena Rosengren

Skin Repair's chief doctor Helena Rosengren is also a senior lecturer at James Cook University, has published several papers in medical journals and runs skin cancer workshops for GPs all over Australia! Dr Rosengren is also a fellow of the Australasian College of Skin Cancer Medicine, and undertakes complex surgery with meticulous attention to cosmetic results.

What should I look for when it comes to Skin Cancer?

Being vigilant about skin cancer is vital to timely detection and treatment, particularly in North Queensland. Regular self-checks for new or changing moles and sunspots is an easy way to stay on top of your skin health between more comprehensive medical checks. So what exactly should you be looking for?Any spot or lesion that concerns [...]

Can YOU prevent future skin cancer or is it too late?

With the cooler months here you may want to be pro-active about reversing any visible sun damage you have. Sun damage is a major risk factor for developing skin cancer. Research confirms that active treatment of visible sun damage can help prevent skin cancers from developing. A staggering 3 out of 4 Townsville residents develop skin cancer [...]

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