Skin Cancer Checks Townsville
Skin Cancer Clinic Townsville



Get rid of pesky benign spots – without stitches!

Moles, skintags and blemishes can be not only irritating, but often be a dampener on one’s self-confidence. However, the idea of getting them removed can be daunting for some. Nobody likes being poked and prodded with scalpels and needles, so thankfully Skin Repair Townsville offers an effective way to remove innocent moles, skin tags and [...]

Melanoma March: what happened, and what now?

Melanoma March is over, and what a month it was! Here at Skin Repair, along with so many Townsville locals, we were happy to really get involved with the Melanoma March campaign. Across Australia, the campaign boosts public awareness of melanoma, and raises funds for essential melanoma research. Here’s a recap of what happened [...]

Melanoma March: there’s still time to get involved

Melanoma March is Melanoma Institute of Australia’s month-long awareness and fundraising campaign. Usually, Melanoma March sees events happening all over Australia. This year Melanoma March is a digital campaign, with a national goal of raising $500,000 to fund melanoma research. You can get involved by purchasing a $30 digital footprint at You can then customise [...]

Three easy ways you can make a difference this Melanoma March

March is the national month for melanoma awareness. One person is diagnosed with melanoma every 30 minutes in Australia. Living in North Queensland, we have some of the highest rates of melanoma occurrence in the world. It is incredibly important to spread awareness about this deadly disease. Male, female, fair- or dark-skinned, melanoma does not [...]

An essential step in your child’s morning routine

Uniforms…check. Books…check. Sunscreen…did it make your back to school list? For many adult Australians who have been affected by skin cancer, the damage to their skin was done during childhood. As parents, keeping our children healthy is our top priority, and unlike previous generations, we now know there are many ways we can help reduce [...]

A decrease in the rate of skin cancer: too good to be true

Across Australia, the diagnosis of skin cancer actually dropped during 2020 – this may seem like a positive statistic but in reality, we know that the incidence of skin cancer cannot have decreased. With the unfolding Coronavirus situation, many people chose to postpone their regular medical appointments or had virtual appointments instead. In fact, [...]

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